Thursday, August 23, 2007

Occupational Stress

Fire and stress have much in common. Uncontolled, fire leaves devastation in its wake. Similarly, uncontrolled stress is destructive to persobal health and can also prevent you from achiveving your true potential.

Controlled stress, by contrast is a potential and creative energy which will help you to live life to the full and feel positive and enthusiastic.

Katannuta Wellness mainly works with companies to minimize occupational stress.

Occupational stress is a pattern of emotional, cognitive and behavioral psychological reactions to adverse and noxious aspects of work content, work organisation and work environment. Occupational stress is caused by a poor match between us and our work, by conflicts between our roles at work and outside it and not having a reasonable degree of control over our own work.

Simply put, occupational stress occurs when there is a conflict between workplace and a worker’s degree of control.

Uncontrolled stress can lead to strain. Strain is where your attitude becomes negative. You feel irritable, frustrated and cynical. Uncontrolled stress can lead to burn out. Burnout is a condition where you simply have no motivation to do anything and become susceptible to opportunist viruses such as flu. Should burnout not be addressed, the next stage is depression and anxiety.

Katannuta wellness works mainly with corporates. The offer a range of services such as on-site massage using mobile massage therapists who specialize in Indian Head massage and chair massage. Their on site psychologist has developed a stress and wellness questionnaire that allows them to asses the level of occupational stress of employees. Based on individual interviews Katannuta Wellness is able to offer recommendations to companies for stress reduction and managing wellness in the work place. Wellness coaching, workshops and courses, ergonomics assessments and wellness days are some of the other services that they offer. For more information contact Davina or visit or call Davina or 083-315-8648.

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